Searching data in text
One of the first things to search while making presentations
is to seek data as text. This may look a difficult thing to do but can be simplified
by following few instructions. If you are new to making presentations then you can go through some of the instructions here to ease this part!
How to
If you are not acquainted with searching data then follow
the steps below. For example you are searching about Google. Type Google followed by Wikipedia.
The available results
are shown. Click on the link
that has your topic followed by Wikipedia. You’ll be redirected to a page in wiki where there is
information about your topic. The page shown has text that you can copy and use directly
or edit it.
How to
copy text?
Copying text is a very easy. All that you have to do is as
Go through the text and identify what part you need. Now place your cursor at
the point where you want to start. Keeping your left mouse button clicked move the cursor to
the point where you want to end.
Now place your cursor on the selected portion that is
highlighted and right click. You’ll see a menu box, click on copy. Now open a blank page in
any text document reader (preferably MS Word)
And right click on the blank space paste your text. After pasting it would look something like this.
I want to
select all the text
If you want to select whole of the copy-able items in a given
page follow these steps
Open the webpage you want to copy and press Ctrl+a. Now right click on the page select
copy and paste it in text reader (preferably MS Word)
preferably MS Word?
When you want to paste a selected part of text or all parts
of a webpage in a text document reader it so happens that your selection has
contents that a normal text reader like note pad cannot support
For example:
The Google webpage we've selected completely or partly when
pasted in a note pad looks like this.
While the one pasted in MS word looks like earlier image. MS word helps you save most of the data of the webpage in
its original form. So, always prefer MS Word.
I cannot
copy the contents in a website
If you've tried all the above tips and still couldn't copy
the contents of the website, the best option is to save the complete webpage
and to your computer once you do this you can check the website on your
computer even without internet connection.
Note: while browsing a saved webpage on a PC without
internet connection you can go through the current webpage but cannot navigate to other links provided in that page.
How to
save a web page?
Google Chrome users
Open a website and press Ctrl+s . You’ll be prompted to save the webpage to your PC. Save it.
You can browse the saved webpage with any web browsers with
or without an internet connection. If you want only a part of a website, then, follow these
steps. Navigate to the part of the webpage you want to copy. Now press the button on
your Key Board "Prt Scr SysRq" or "Print Screen" .
Open MS word or MS paint (or any image editor) and click Ctrl+v or right click and paste.
This helps you take a snapshot of your current system screen
and paste it in image format.
If you want to search data in websites similar to Wikipedia you can try these other
Hope this post was
helpful! IF you have any questions
related to making presentations feel free to ask!
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